CIA Blocked DOJ from Questioning Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s Sugar Brother, Whistleblower Emails Show

The CIA blocked the DOJ from interrogating Kevin Morris as a witness during its investigation of Hunter Biden, IRS whistleblower emails discovered from members of the House Ways and Means Committee demonstrate.

Morris, an Hollywood lawyer who loaned Hunter $2 million, with “no ulterior motive” to meet IRS obligations, is reportedly associated with the CIA in the month of August 2021. The DOJ was unable to talk to Morris “as a witness” in its investigation of Hunter in accordance with CIA guidance as per previously unreleased sensitive data obtained from IRS agents special and whistleblower Gary Shapley.

“So Hunter Biden’s sugar daddy — the weirdo who paid off Hunter’s tax bills and paid for his lawyers and apparently bankrolled Hunter’s documentary — is a CIA asset?” Sean Davis Director of Operations at the Federalist asked about X. “Which means the CIA has been protecting Hunter the whole time?”

Shapley described her emails on a formal statement in May.

In a regular conference call with the prosecution team in late August or early 2021 in the late evening, assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Lesley Wolf told the team that she as well as the DOJ’s Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had recently returned from the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where they were scheduled for a discussion with Kevin Morris.

AUSA Wolf stated that they were given a classified briefing concerning the case of Mr. Morris and as a result, we are unable to seek him out as witnesses. Investigators questioned AUSA Wolf, but since her briefing was classified, and she was allegedly cleaning it up into an unclassified format to distribute it on a phone line that was open however, she was not able to provide further with additional details. She repeatedly reiterated that they were summoned by Langley, the CIA in Langley regarding the case of Mr. Morris, and that because of the information she provided in the briefing, he would not be a witness in the investigation.

AUSA Wolf proudly referenced a CIA Mug and claimed she bought some CIA “swag” at the gift shop during her visit.

It is not clear how the CIA discovered of the possibility that Ms. Morris was a potential witness in the Hunter Biden investigation and why agents weren’t informed of the meeting prior to it or even invited to attend. It’s a departure from the normal procedures for investigating prosecutor to deny investigators access to significant meetings such as this.

Find the entire affidavit here.

Morris is a major player within the Biden family’s orbit. Morris donated money to the Biden 2020 presidential campaign and also helped Hunter get into the art business which is a sector that has been infamous for corruption. Morris has taken over Hunter’s stake of ten percent in BHR Partners, a Chinese government-backed investment fund called BHR Partners according to Breitbart News first announced the news in early April of 2023. BHR Partners has about $3 billion in assets that are currently being invested across the globe, its website states.

Morris is reported to have stopped spending money to pay for Hunter’s legal fees in May. Since reuniting in the year 2019, Morris has paid Hunter’s IRS debts and has reportedly loaned Hunter an amount of $4.9 million to cover payment of his car, housing as well as legal fees.

In 2023 In 2023, the DOJ arrested Hunter for alleged firearm as well as tax offenses. The DOJ did not accuse Hunter with a violation of FARA or trafficking in sex.

Hunter’s trial on gun related charges is scheduled for the 3rd of June in Delaware. Hunter was unable to accept an offer of plea by the prosecutors in July, after talks fell apart under an investigation by the justice department.

The plea bargain gave Hunter the option of pleading guilty to not paying tax for more than $1.5 million of income between 2017 and 2018 while receiving probation, not jail time. Additionally to this, Attorney General David Weiss included a separate “diversion agreement” that gave Hunter immunity from possible and future tax penalties, which included an option to completely erase the felony gun offense off his record.

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