This is how much the IRS has spent since 2020 arming their agents. And this is before they hired 87,000 more people to target you and me.
- $2.3 million on ammunition.
- $1.2 million on ballistic shields,
- $474,000 on Smith & Wesson rifles
- $463,000 on Beretta 1301 tactical shotguns
- $243,000 on body armor vests.
Make no mistake, Biden’s IRS is preparing to come after every conservative who dares speaks out against Brandon’s Leftist agenda.
It’s time to take a stand and say NO MORE of Biden’s weaponization of our federal agencies.
It’s bad enough to have IRS agents knock on your door. But since when do they need to be armed to the teeth like a SWAT team?

Sadly, this is part and parcel of Biden’s Marxist agenda. Whether it’s using the FBI to raid President Trump’s personal residence or having the Attorney General hinder the investigation of Hunter’s laptop, Brandon’s cadre is abusing their powers to go after their political enemies while protecting their own corruption.
They’ve completely ignored the words of President Abraham Lincoln when he reminded us that we have a “government of, by and for the people.”
There’s only one way to stop this nightmare once and for all. And that requires you standing side by side helping us stop this weaponization of these federal agencies.
Sitting by and doing nothing will only give the IRS more time to stockpile weapons to go after conservatives like you and me. The only way this end is if we stand as one and say NO MORE.
Are you with us? If so, please donate today.